Unsorted crypto links |
- My own page ;-)
- Bibliographie
online vorhandender Texte
- Security
and Encryption links of Peter Gutmann. Wonderful compilation!
- Aufsatz über die
Unsinnigkeit und nicht Realisierbarkeit von Key Escrow und Key Recovery
- Initiative zur weltweiten totalen Überwachung
- Kritik vorhanderer
- Proposed UK
Crypto BAN (Original)
- Why
Cryptography Is Harder Than It Looks
- OECD adopts guidelines
for cryptography policy
- Neue
Implementation von DES von Eli Biham durch Interpretation eines
64bit Prozessors als 64 1bit Prozessoren im SIMD Modus.
- Unofficial Homepage of the
- Bei dem Vorhaben
handelt es sich um ein technisches Forschungs- und
Entwicklungsprojekt zur Verbesserung des Wissensstandes im Bereich
Sicherheit und Schutz in offenen Rechnernetzen mittels Entwurf,
Implementierung und Validierung eines Prototypen für mehrseitige
- Bruce Schneier Autor von Applied Cryptography.
- Erik Youngs FTP Archive
- CommerceNet Secure Web developemt
- Crypto AG
- The Systemics Cryptix crypto library for Java
- ASN.1, X.509 Certificate V3, X.509 CRL V2 and PKCS#7
- Rivest Shamir
- Fortezza
Developer's Page, KEA classified algorithm
- One compiler being used is the one from Open Systems Solutions, Inc.
- Enigma Bibliography
- A draft paper,
R. Levien, L. McCarthy, and M. Blaze, "Transparent Internet E-mail
Security" is now available (in PostScript format)
- SPKI - Simple Public Key Infrastructure
- Adam Shostack's "Cryptographic Libraries: A comparison"
- Carl Ellison's "Random Number Conditioning"
- Random number
lib (Mitchell/ Blaze/ Lacy), written in C for
(at least some flavors of) Unix, and maybe Win NT
- Offizielle PGP Homepage
- Paul Kocher: Timingattack auf PGP
- PGP Attack FAQ
- Stefan Lucks
- Perl Crypto Lib
- A Layman's Guide to ASN.1
- ITU-T Dokumente
- Milano FTP Archiv
- Burnett, "PGP Web of Trust Statistics"
- PKI references
- European CAs
- Matt Blaze, Jack Lacy, and Joan Feigenbaum, "Decentralized Trust
Management", IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 6-8, 1996,
Oakland, CA.
- CompuServe's Virtual Key Reference Site
- ISAAC Group: Internet
Security, Authentication, Applications, and Cryptography
- Architectural considerations for cryptanalytic hardware
- Popular Cryptography: the journal of Internet privacy
- Technical Reports of the Theoretical Computer Science and Information Security
- Biham/Shamir Differential Fault Analysis of DES
- Biham/Shamir Differential Fault Analysis of DES
- Emergency Key Recovery Without Third Parties
- Basic Cryptanalysis
field manual #34-40-2 by the headquarters department of the Army,
Washington, DC, 13 September 1990
- Cryptography in an
algebraic alphabet by Lester S. Hill, June 1929
- Richard G.E. Pinch
Primality and Carmichael numbers
- Seminar on Computer Security and Cryptography
- Mykotronx, Inc.
INFOSEC product development
- Secure Hash Standard
- SHA-1 in C as Public Domain
- RSA in Perl
- Biham's Cryptoanalysis
of Triple modes of DES.
- The
International Cryptography Framework is a government-approved
encryption framework that removes a significant barrier to
transmitting secured Internet-based business and communications
transactions worldwide.
Document Image Analysis by the NSA
- Australischer Crypto FTP Server mit SSL, ...
- Burkhard
Schröders Linksammlung zu Kryptographie und Steganographie
- Security Survey of Key
Internet Hosts
- Linux
and the Orange Book
- Pluggable
Authentication Modules for Linux
- Password
Database library for Linux
- Onion Routing to ensure Privacy and Anonymity on the Internet
- AD
Certification Service Software, ein M$-Windowsfrontend für PGP.
- Cryptography for
encryption, digital signatures and authentication
- New, improved PGP Public Key Server
- Shake-n-Bacon
kryptographische und steganographische Texte des Mittelalters.
- SNOW conceals messages in apparently-normal ASCII text.